Salesforce Trailblazers We Love: Pressy Abraham

Salesforce Trailblazers We Love: Pressy Abraham

The Salesforce ecosystem is truly something special, isn’t it? Join us as we introduce you to some of our favorite trailblazers. You are in for a real treat with this TBWL interview, featuring Pressy Abraham! Follow along as we dive into Pressy’s journey into the Salesforce ecosystem, her transition from healthcare to technology, and her passion for relationship building and teaching.

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Pressy Abraham, Shannon J. Gregg, PhD

Shannon J. Gregg, PhD

Hello, and welcome back to your favorite series, trailblazers we love where we interview and really chat with some of our most favorite people in the salesforce ecosystem, and today I am beyond thrilled to bring you one of my most favorite people, and I mean that in all sincerity. Pressy Abraham, I can clearly remember the very 1st time I met Pressy, and I’m saying met because it was virtual. And I was like, who is this person? And how do I get more of her in my life? And I’m pretty sure, after today’s short chat, you’re going to be saying the exact same thing. How do I get more pressy? And I’m telling you, get in line behind me. But, Pressy, I’m so excited to have you on the show today.

Pressy Abraham

I’m so excited to be here, Shannon.
Shannon J. Gregg, PhD
Yay. Well, we have a couple of questions for you, the same questions we ask everybody, but feel free to take it a little bit left of center if you want to, because one of the things I know about you presci is, you’re a very creative person. So I’m not going to stifle that with my questions. But the 1st one I want to ask is, Hey, how did you get started in the salesforce ecosystem.
Well, I started my journey in healthcare specifically ultrasound and initially, I was working on some projects to document and improve processes. So that was usually like templates and some macros and then I had an injury. That kind of had me pivot and like find, you know, a new path and I was introduced to salesforce. And I kind of got scared because I have no background in technology. And it started talking about Css. And HTML, and I was just like okay, maybe not. But now my, now co-lead Bill Apostolakis of the Westchester Trailblazer group. He showed me how I could be successful without code. Oh, thank God! I was like, this is like, you know, a best fit with processes and documenting things. So I kind of just dove into trailhead, and I like quickly earned some certifications so you know, kind of what really centered my path with salesforce was actually volunteering and being a coach through programs like tack and super moms. I also started my own group with road to salesforce and salesforce superwomen. Where I mentor talent in the ecosystem. So this is kind of where my passion is. Is that relationship building and like teaching others. I also have an education background, too. So kind of helped.
Shannon J. Gregg, PhD
That’s amazing, Pressy, you know. I hear on one hand, you say, you know, I was a little scared because I hadn’t worked in tech. And, on the other hand, you immediately run off a list of things that you have done. I mean, you’re such a great catalyst in starting groups and connecting people and teaching people. And so, you know, I admire that so much. I would have never thought you were a person that would say, You know something scares me because everything I see you do turns to gold, and I just love that about you. I think it’s super inspirational for everybody about you where you say, hey? I’m coming from somewhere totally different. But look at all I was able to accomplish, and I know you listed a lot of resources there in the things that you’ve been doing, the things that you’ve done. Is there any other favorite salesforce resource that you really like that? You want to tell us about.
Oh, I do like salesforce ben. I love their search feature
where you can like. You don’t know something. You can look it up and find some really great articles. I like sas gurus for taking certifications I know. Focus on force is a big one, too. But I feel like Sas Gurus is a little bit more simpler. And that works better for me. I’m a type of person that if it’s on a page it’s in my brain if it’s like multiple pages. Probably not gonna be there.
I like that, too, and I think a lot of times when we’re looking for an answer, it’s so point and shoot. We want to hurry up and find it so that we can keep doing what we’re doing. And those are 2 awesome resources for that. I love that. And you know I totally agree with you on those. I think that’s awesome. Thanks, Presi. You know I’m gonna ask you now about something that is a little more secretive than those resources. So if you think about the best kept salesforce secret, or the most underrated salesforce product, what do you think that is for you?
Oh, I love surveys because I you know again that relationship building, you know, understanding where other people are coming from. So you know I love salesforce surveys, and my other one ispaths and guidance for success. I don’t know. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve implemented the guidance for success, because that goes back to that template idea right? Like being able to really set up the process and be able to duplicate it multiple times. You. You know what succeeds. You know what works, and you can, you know, replicate it multiple times.
I love both of those Pressy, and I’m glad you brought them up, because I don’t think people talk about either of them enough. You know, they’re wonderful tools, and I think they do exactly what they need to do right in the moment. Right? So just just in time. That’s awesome. I love those. I don’t think we’ve ever had anybody say those before on the show so kudos to you for being unique as always. I’m now going to ask you to put on your looking glass and peer into the future, and if you think about the future of salesforce, I’d love to hear a salesforce prediction from you.
Oh, I would think that I mean we we’re already seeing it. AI, you know. We’re going to have a lot of boom with the agents. I saw some really cool agents being created. I saw a wedding app like it was a wedding agent that helps you plan your wedding? And I can’t remember who did that one, but I saw another one that was helping coworkers actually coordinate team outings like, you know. Where do you go? How can we get enough? You know enough space for that. Many people like, you know? I thought it was really cool, and that was the one that won the hackathon this year. So that was super cool. But definitely like AI is gonna help us personalize and customize how we do our processes, you know, so that we can focus on the more complex issues, you know. And again, that relationship building, right? Those are things that are uniquely human. But there are those mundane items that can be done by an agent, and can give people that sense of being a personalized experience, and right away versus waiting for an agent, or like a human agent. Right? When AI can, you know, gather information and give us give us the answers that we need. You know.
I love that. And I think you know, what you’re pointing out is how many different things agents can do. And it’s really easy to think, okay. You know, I need to make a reservation hotel. You know, I’m going to interact with a bot. But the things that you’re saying really do underscore that are from Crm, the relationship. And that’s really what it’s all about. And I think that’s wonderful.
Data cloud. I mean integrating from other systems and data lakes. I’m like, this is fantastic.
Future is here right. Do you know, I hear you talking about the wedding agent, though, and I seem to remember when you got married. You used Salesforce to help you with that. Am I remembering that correctly.
I was working on it, and I’m like, I think this person has achieved a much better version. But again, I it wasn’t that long ago, but it just shows you how quickly you know AI grows. It’s exponential, you know. So we went from, you know, typing little things on Chat Gbt to full boiling agents. You know we’re going quick.
We are going quick, and I think the speed of change, the velocity of change, is something that is almost unfathomable. I mean, if you would have said to us, you know, in 2019, this is going to be possible. I would not have been able to.
Not at all.
Isn’t that wild? That’s wonderful. That’s so cool. Thanks for telling us about those, because some of those use cases I hadn’t even heard of, and my brain is already ticking.
Yeah, like, there, there’s some great options, and I think, Salesforce has one-on-one consulting that they did at World Tour and it was amazing to see them stand up a Cr like Crm data and create agents to help you answer like your business questions. And I was like, this is fantastic. I want them to put that available to the rest of us, especially consultants, because you can stand up. Great Demos.
Right, and I think you and I both know seeing is believing, for most people, once they see it helps them envision it. And you were talking before about accessing quickly resources and being able to see it is always so helpful.
I love that I love that well, this has been so cool to hear all the things that you’ve seen and love. But, Pressy, we want to know a little bit more about you as a person, and I know personally you’re very creative. I know you have an absolutely gorgeous singing voice, I know you are a person of many, many talents, and I love that. So tell us a little bit more about pressy beyond salesforce, and give us a recommendation. If it’s a book, a podcast, a cooking show, something that you really love, that’s not sales source related.
Oh, well, you told you talked about. You know me getting married recently. So I got married actually 2024 in April and so one of the things that I found is that you know we want to know about ourselves like you have to really understand yourself, to be with someone else. And so the one of the catalysts for me was this really random podcast that I listen to called the dating den and it was with Marnie Batista, I believe, and it was one of those things that really helped me understand things about myself. So you know, Salesforce Superwoman gotta do a bunch of things right? I know, Shannon. You’re like one of those people. So it’s like how like being able to be vulnerable and know that I can trust somebody else to give me the things that I need but really to understand what it is, I need, you know, like we don’t tend to verbalize those things. And so I thought that that was a great podcast to listen to, and some of the stories are kind of fun.
The dating den. I love this Pressy, and you know what it’s sounding like to me. It’s almost like you have to be a BA. For your own self and uncover what your needs are. So you can bring them to the relationship table.
You have to analyze yourself and everything right. You have to really understand what you love, what you don’t, which you can, you know, live with, you know. It’s you know I use like a lot of the skills in my salesforce world as well, because I. You know, it’s like, what do you like as a job? What do you like to, you know? Like for me, it’s relationship building. It’s working together in teams like that’s what brings me joy and solving problems.
Love that I really do love that Pressy. I love that so much about you. And I know everybody who’s listening to us today is definitely like, Wow, look at this person who is a bundle of positivity, who’s used her past experience to bring into salesforce? Where can everybody connect with you or find you, if they’d like to know more, or even get to meet you, which they would be lucky to do.
Well, I’m from the Philadelphia area. So mid-atlantic streaming. I’m probably gonna be there this year and you know, like I said, volunteering is great. It’s a great way to connect with other people, so I try to make some of the world tours, and but Linkedin is usually where you can find me. So Pressy Abraham, at Linkedin. I’m probably one of the only ones.
I love it, we’ll put we’ll put the link in the show notes so that everybody can find you. Presi. Thank you so much for joining us today, you know, I just think it was wonderful to get to connect with you and hear a little bit more about your story and the things you like to do, and I am going to check out the dating den because it sounds fun. I love dating stories.
Me, too. Thank you so much. Shannon!
Thanks. Presci.


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