Salesforce Trailblazers We Love: Dr. Dorene Ciletti, Ph. D.

Salesforce Trailblazers We Love: Dr. Dorene Ciletti, Ph. D.

The TBWL series just keeps getting better and better, welcome Dr. Ciletti! Stick around to hear Shannon and Dr. Ciletti discuss the importance of technology in sales and marketing, with a focus on Salesforce and its role in preparing students for their careers.

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Dr. Dorene Ciletti, PhD., Shannon J. Gregg, PhD

Shannon J. Gregg, PhD

Hello, and welcome back to your favorite series, trailblazers we love where we get to interview people who are making an impact in and around the salesforce ecosystem. I am Dr. Shannon Gregg, the president of Cloud adoption solutions, and I am thrilled and overjoyed to be joined today with my favorite trailblazer, Dr. Doreen Soletti. Hello, Dr. Soletti.
Hello, Dr. Gregg.
I’m so happy to interview you on this podcast. Today. This is super exciting. Thank you for agreeing to join us. Your interview is going to be a little bit different, because you are at the education side of salesforce, bringing it into the classroom, so I can’t wait to hear what you have to say about salesforce today, we have 5 questions we usually ask. I’m going to alter yours. Just a smidge. So our loyal viewers are going to see these are slightly, thematically different. And the 1st one is how did you 1st learn about salesforce and get involved in the salesforce ecosystem.
Yeah, how did I 1st learn about salesforce? Well, I’ve been involved, especially in the trailhead side for quite a few years, and I want to say. If I remember correctly, I knew that salesforce was the most widely used Crm system. And so, of course, that’s what I wanted to bring to the students, because I ideally wanted them to be, you know, day one ready to be prepared when they graduated, and so to do so, it’s important that they understand how to use technology effectively related to marketing and sales. So of course, I wanted to get involved with salesforce.
I love that. Tell us a little bit about the sales and marketing program at Point Park, and your involvement in that.
Well, I am very fortunate to direct the sales and marketing program, and these, Michael P Pitterich sales and Innovation Center Point Park certainly recognizes the role of marketing and sales for any organization. I mean, my gosh sales is the 1st line of the income statement. It’s that important. So it’s really a life skill. And that’s our perspective on it that we want our students to understand the role that sales plays in their own lives individually, in the organization and in the economy. So we, of course, looked to salesforce for training tools that would help our students be better better prepared. And one of the things that we use pretty extensively is trailhead.
I love that. So I know you bring Trailhead into the classroom, because there are many times that I’m fortunate enough to co-teach with you professional selling, and I know inside of the marketing and sales department at Point Park University there are loads of resources that you use. So I want to ask you, are there any other salesforce resources that you really love or know about? And you want to tell us about today?
Well, I think trails. Trailhead is the main resource that we’ve been using, and we’ve used a number of different trails in our classes. One of the things I really enjoy about being able to bring the Salesforce Trailhead program to the students is that they can take trails related to. You know, sales rep but they also can take trails related to soft skills that are so critical to selling. So, for instance, you know, a trail around Dei that can be very helpful to them. Trails around design thinking can be really helpful. So it’s not just about getting out there and selling. It’s also about the tools and the techniques that you need that will help. Better prepare you to work in an organization and function effectively in the marketplace.
I love that so much. And one of the things that you’re very focused on and Point Park is very focused on is preparing experiential learning, so that students can run right out to their job and be ready to go. And I know that you found and have heard from former students about how their interaction with Salesforce Trailhead in the classroom has prepared them in their 1st jobs. Tell us a little bit about that.
Yeah, absolutely, we are definitely focused on experiential learning. That’s been a big part of what Point Park University does. One of the things that differentiates us from other universities. And so, you know, it’s great. Again, we’re a smaller university. So we’re able to have connection with our students, and they often do keep in touch after graduation, because we really get to know them and work with them closely. So it’s always wonderful to hear from a student who has graduated and is out there working in a position and reaches back out to say, Hey, you know these things that I did in the class have really helped me, or you know, I wasn’t sure how I would use these things, but they’re really something that’s come into play in my job, and one of those often is salesforce, because again, it’s so widely used that, having that experience with Trailhead and having a bit of understanding about how salesforce as a system works, helps. Students be better prepared. So it’s always great when they reach out and say, You know, I’m so glad I did those trailheads. I’m so glad I have an understanding of the system. It’s made me more effective.
I love that, and I know the students love it, and their new employers love it too. So one thing that I love that you are doing that is really cool that I want you to talk about. Before I ask you our usual sales force prediction question is, tell us a little bit about the sales challenge that you just hosted a few weeks ago.
Oh, wow, yeah, that’s fantastic. We are very fortunate to be partnered with the Pennsylvania Association of Broadcasters, and they, as a partner, have helped us develop the business of broadcast program that’s under the umbrella of our Sales and Innovation Center. And one of the things that I’ve learned in working with the pab is that for every one on air person it takes 3 people behind the scenes to make that possible so broadcasters are often very focused on those operational pieces. Sales is certainly one big focus area. And so when we developed this business of broadcast focus, they wanted a strong focus on, of course, sales. And so part of what we’re doing with them is a business of broadcast sales challenge. So it is a role play competition. And we’re fortunate to have the sales and Innovation center facilities, including the SIM Labs, to be able to make that work and record student sales role plays with professionals who come in to act as buyers. So it’s a lot of fun for the broadcast sales professionals, because they get to sit on the other side of the table and act as buyers, and we co-develop the role, play with them. So it does have that strong, broadcast focus, and we can work with again those broadcast sales reps, who are saying, this is what we hear in the field. These are some of the common challenges that we’re facing. These are some of the common buyer concerns. Let’s build this into a role play that will help students practice their sales skills, but also learn more about broadcast and media.
How cool is that I just love this concept that students are so prepared. They know what to look for when they’re having their interviews and to be able to say, I’m familiar with salesforce probably helps them to be qualified for so many jobs they’re applying for, because we see that in the requirements all of the time, you must understand. cool question. Now, though Dr. Seleti is, make a salesforce prediction.
A salesforce prediction. Well, I know that salesforce is already very engaged with AI. So I know they’re future focused you know. I wonder if salesforce is looking at working with some of the technologies that are screenless so that there might be a way for someone to, you know, who wants to input data to just say, Hey, Salesforce open up this company’s file, note this appointment, note this, follow up and it just automatically goes right in there seamlessly.
I love that prediction. You know, under your department I teach a class called Technology and innovation in marketing and sales. And last week’s module. The students had to come up with an unmet need called. It’s under something called the App Gap, and I had some really interesting things come out of the students, this semester and no one mentioned screenless. So I love that Dr. Celetti, as always, you are on the cutting edge of technology and innovation in sales, love it.
That’s why you’re teaching that class, because we know how critical it is for students to understand technology. And we want them to be forward thinking so. I love that idea that they’re exploring the App gap.
It’s so cool. I’m telling you almost everyone I commented on when I was creating them sold. I’m buying it. Put it on the app exchange right now, because they came up with some really cool things like ways to make sales and marketing work better together. And of course, emerging technology is huge thinking about AI. They get it. The world is changing. So one of the last questions that I will ask you, Ciletti, is to tell us something that you love, that is not salesforce related. It can be a book or a podcast or a cooking show anything that you’re into to tell us a little bit more about who you are.
Well, there are a number of podcasts that I really enjoy, and one of them that I find myself frequently checking out is 10% happier because I think one of the things that it’s important. You know, life is intense. The work that we do is really intense. And so it’s great to think about ways to bring a little joy and a little gratitude in, and I think that can be helpful for all of us.
I love that so much, Dr. Ciletti. Thank you for joining us today. Where can everybody connect with you? Because I am certain that you’re going to want to know more about you and the things that you’re doing at Point Park University.
Well, they can certainly connect with me on Linkedin and they can also send me an email, if they’re interested at They can also do a search on Point Park sales and marketing, and they’ll be able to find information on the web about our sales and marketing program as well as our sales and Innovation Center.
Fantastic. Thank you so much for joining us today, Dr. Ciletti. We will put your contact information in the show notes on our channel so that everybody can get in touch with you. Congratulations on being a terrific salesforce trailblazer.
Thank you very much, Dr. Gregg.


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