Rich Text Components improve Salesforce User Adoption. In this CAS Come and See Video, Natalie Battista shows you how you can use the rich text component to deliver messages to your Salesforce users. In this case, Natalie shows how you can remind your sales team to update their close dates with a component that displays when an opportunity is past due. This is a great way to drive additional Salesforce user adoption and keep your CRM data as crisp and clean as possible!
Salesforce Lightning
I’m Suddenly a New Salesforce Admin – Where Do I Start?
If you’re suddenly the daily admin at your company, I’ve put together a list of resources that I have shared with many of our clients who are in the exact same hot sear. Part 1 shows where an admin typically spends time under the Setup Menu (daily); Part 2 has helpful rapid reference links to trailhead modules, guides, user groups, How-To help articles, and apps that admins frequently use.
Lightning Email Templates: Salesforce Winter 21 Exciting News
What a year it has been so far: 2020 began with a level of intensity that has been unmatched in recent years. While full of roadblocks and hard turns, Salesforce seems to have decided to double down on user accessibility with their newest announcements. In a press...
The Secrets to Salesforce User Adoption is an amazing platform - so now that you've made the investment, how do you get your users primed and ready to get the most out of it? In the "Secrets to Salesforce User Adoption" CAS-cast webcast, we explored the science behind our proprietary ADOPT...
The Name Game: Relabel Standard Salesforce Objects
Did you know that you can change the name of a Standard Tab or Field in Salesforce? For example, the Contacts tab could be updated to "Client" or "Customer" if that's the lingo your company uses. You can also change the label of a Standard field such as the Amount...
Getting Started as a New or Accidental Salesforce Admin: Blog
Maybe you decided on your own to learn more about Salesforce administration, or maybe you were "volun-told" into owning the Salesforce system as a part of your actual day job. Either way, you’ve done it! You tested the waters, prepared, studied, and finally decided...
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