Once you've purchased sales and marketing technology, you expect to see the results that automation and customization promised you during the tech demo. You may have even done a great job as leaders of marketing, sales, or technology teams in articulating the WIIFM...
Winter 19 Release Notes and Dreamforce Updates
Wow, Salesforce gets so busy at the end of the year, that it's no wonder to us that they run their own fiscal year from February-January. No way could they do their Winter Release and Dreamforce in a traditional Q4. Phew! That said, it's like a full-time job poring...
Swipe These Files for your Salesforce Roll-out or Relaunch!
While the ADOPT model gives you a system to approach user acceptance and adoption, remember that even grownups like to enjoy their work! So, how can you make your Salesforce launch (whether it's a new implementation or a new product) or relaunch (when you're ready to...
SOPs Can Help to Drive User Adoption
Good, better, best: never let it rest: a process or SOP (formal Standard Operating Procedure) will never be static, since Salesforce has three releases every year, so make sure to keep your process documentation up to date and always reflecting any changes in your...
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