Salesforce Trailblazers We Love: Lory Tibbetts, RN, BSN

Salesforce Trailblazers We Love: Lory Tibbetts, RN, BSN

The Salesforce Ohana is truly something special, isn’t it? Join us as we introduce you to some of our favorite trailblazers. Today we introduce inspirational, driven, and action-oriented Lory Tibbetts, who shares how she got her start in the Salesforce ecosystem, her favorite Salesforce resources, the best-kept Salesforce secret, her Salesforce prediction, and more!

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Sam Teele, Lory Tibbetts

Sam Teele
And hello, we are back with another episode of Trailblazers we love and we’re really excited this time we have the great Lory Tibbetts. How are you doing today?
Lory Tibbetts
I’m doing fine. Thanks for asking Sam. How are you?
Sam Teele
I’m doing fine. Thanks as well. Haven’t seen you since Life Sciences dreamin’. Dreaming event for the life sciences, which we were really happy to host in August. I’m so glad that you came and we’re really active there. But it’s good to talk to you again.
Lory Tibbetts
Yeah, and thanks for having me here.
Sam Teele
Yeah, well, I thought this would be great. You know, everybody knows Lory has been an industry participant for a long time, you know, different community groups and very active in the space. But you know, I’m interested to learn more about how you got started in the Salesforce ecosystem. My Tell me a little bit about that.
Lory Tibbetts
Yeah, sure. So I used to be a nurse. So I came from a healthcare background, 16 years as a bedside nurse. And during the pandemic of 2020, as you all know, so many people lost their jobs. And I was so thankful that I was an essential worker and did not lose my job. So I was really working hard that I burnt out myself. When 2021 rolled in, I was really desperate to get out of nursing. I was even looking at openings at Walmart. But then I encountered an ad on Facebook about Salesforce five day challenge I took that I did two days. And I decided it provided me the mental stimulation that I needed. So I got curious, is there a marriage between Salesforce and health care? So I googled that, and I found Health Cloud. And I even pretended to be a company just so I can watch a demo. And after I watched them, I was like, that’s it. I have a career trajectory here. So I ended up signing up for the talent Stacker, which the ad was actually made by talent stacker. Right? Yeah, so you know how lonely it can get when you’re trying to study by yourself even with the Trailblazer community groups that are able to ask questions and get answers. But after I finished the admin trail mix, I started trying to apply the concepts that I learned so I started creating apps. And it was quite addicting. When I got into the making my portfolio, which I consider you to project, and I posted about it on LinkedIn. I got so many questions, I got so many comments that I decided to hold workshops I got. I was it was so courageous for me to do because I had no certificate to speak up at the time. And I had attendees who were so just like three times certified, I was afraid that I would get shredded. But all I got was encouragement. And some of them actually told me to remember to apply to their companies once I was certified. And so after I got my certification, I actually had several interviews, I never ran out of interviews. I had to pace the interviews. So that gave myself time to actually research the companies. And finally, I got into my first of all let loose and just a perfect fit for me.
Sam Teele
Yeah, you’ve been almost two years now. So congratulations on that. And you know, it’s just really exciting. I had another car similar conversation recently with another. Somebody else was telling me that they were changing industries at the start of the pandemic. So just knowing that there’s those resources out there. But what’s amazing in your case is that, you know, in the short amount of time that you transition into this Salesforce ecosystem, you also started healthcare heroes force, which for those of you who don’t know, is a LinkedIn group for healthcare and former health care workers that are getting into the Salesforce ecosystem, which Lory, you are the founder of that Correct? Correct.
Lory Tibbetts
Yeah. So yeah, the healthcare heroes force group after I discovered how supportive the community was even for someone with trying to teach others it kind of refilled my top from from the pandemic, you know, very burnt out, cup was totally emptied out. Yeah, I actually had to quit nursing because I felt like it was unfair for my patients if I wasn’t doing my best. So now with this tack, after I gave back to the community early on, by teaching others how to build their portfolios using Experience cloud, I, I realized how different the Salesforce community was. And I wanted to find the others like me who were burnt out from health care. So I founded the healthcare heroes force group. And I just, I just announced, I announced first to my cannon stacker community, I said if if there are any of you came from the health and life sciences, please join me. And it was it was tough at first because I, I hadn’t really no credentials to speak. And I was just interviewing, like, like what you’re doing now, I was interviewing trailblazers, essentially, who came from the who came from the healthcare background. And that provided a good content. For those that I was targeting to be members in we we’ve created a good repository of interviews. Yeah, information reviews for successful transitioning. Yeah,
Sam Teele
and it’s a great group for everybody out there, almost 1000 members, which is really exciting. I’m one of those members, and I’m neither a former or current healthcare employee. So if you’re out there and saying, Oh, is this for me, it is for you, you can learn a lot there about experience cloud health, cloud these different things, and highly recommend that as a resource for anybody out there, go ahead. And people are allowed to join that right? Yes,
Lory Tibbetts
and actually, not only those with health and life sciences background are welcome, but also those who are working in Salesforce, with healthcare clients or life sciences clients, because I meant for it to be a support group, so that those who are already seasoned can guide the newer ones. And the networking will be kind of like in a niche. So hopefully, it will be better for the employers potential employers to find the unicorns that they’re looking for. And for these transitioners to make it easier for them to find potential employers.
Sam Teele
Yeah. Well, it’s certainly been a helpful resource for me, output the, in the name of the group in the description box for anybody that’s watching this on YouTube. But yeah, so Laura, I wanted to ask you a couple of questions. I know you were so grateful to have you here. You know, what would have been some really good Salesforce resources for you? I know that you mentioned trailhead and community and you’ve even started some of your own. So maybe you’ve already answered that question. But are there any other really helpful resources for for you out there?
Lory Tibbetts
Well, as far as support really, Trailblazer community groups, I would suggest for anyone to not just join the local Trailblazer community groups, but also any, any group that holds some virtual sessions. There were a lot of such virtual sessions during the time that people are not meeting in person. So I got two big I became a member of a lot of them. And they they provide a good amount of learning not only technical but also gives a good view of how the Salesforce is being used in, in various businesses. Also, when it comes to exams, my favorite release focused on force and Udemy.
Sam Teele
Cool. And, you know, everybody knows, Sales Cloud or marketing cloud, but what do we what do you think is the most underrated Salesforce product from your vantage?
Lory Tibbetts
Well, I don’t think I’ve been exposed to all the products of Salesforce to know which one is most underrated, but for outside of the actual Salesforce products, and I don’t know, if Trailhead code, which is a Salesforce product or a trailhead product question but membership to Trailhead coach I believe is by invitation only. And to get invited to one has to be at ACC participant or a lead lead meaning a volunteer like I’m volunteering to be a lead for KCC which is Talent Alliance group cohort. We have Our own healthcare heroes cohort. And everyone who had gone through the through being a lead or being a participant gets to be a member of the trailhead coach, the perks being. Once you are in the trailhead code, you have access to free certificate vouchers on the floor, course certificates. So even something like architect certificates, you will get access to that what you won’t have access to the vouchers would be for any certificate, any accreditation exams, which will be through partner learners can another another perk would be the automatic interviews for those who are job seeking, they get a chance to hit the button to hopefully get an interview right away, or at least to connect with a potential Salesforce partner for interview either. It doesn’t necessarily mean that they have an opening. But it gets you that exposure if you’re the job seeker.
Sam Teele
Cool. Yeah. Um, I’ll ask you more a little bit later about how people that are interested in this Trailblazer coaching can get that invitation. And once more, I’ll put that information in the description. So this question I’m really curious about because you’re somebody that really has your finger on the pulse of the industry, and in particular, where it intersects with health health care. So I’m really curious if you have any predictions for Salesforce in 2024. And if you don’t have any predictions, rather, what’s something that you would like to see from Salesforce in 2024?
Lory Tibbetts
Well, I think that there will be a boom in the industry specific roles. And those with significant background will find themselves being the unicorn that these companies will need to to expand or grow their businesses, particularly in the health and life sciences industry, because the healthcare for for example, has been very slow in the digital transformation. And I think this is the right time for for healthcare businesses to get into it. And Salesforce is paving the way for especially with the use of AI and paying attention to the trust elements like the HIPAA compliance, even 508 compliance for those who are in the federal space. Yeah, I think there will be a boom there. So I’m really encouraging my healthcare heroes to just be patient and show your value using your background.
Sam Teele
Yeah, you know, we talked some people in healthcare and they’re like, everybody’s talking about AI, we’re still using pen and paper. They missed the whole intermediate step. But I definitely agree that we’re we’re in in some exciting times for the healthcare space. Obviously, life sciences cloud is coming from people in pharma and clinical research that could be really interesting. So we’ll have to see there as well. Finally, this is a fun one. I want if you could give me a recommendation for a book podcasts cooking show something like that anything not Salesforce related. We’ve done a lot of Salesforce talking. What are you reading? What are you watching?
Lory Tibbetts
So well, my interests as far as books are concerned are on personal finance because I’m I got into financial literacy at age 49. Can you believe that? Also, books are natural skincare products. I I like making them for from scratch. And I as far as podcasts that are not Salesforce. I love the doctor’s pharmacy podcast by Dr. Mark Hyman. It covers functional medicine, you know, and functional medicine delves into the root causes. A lot of chronic issues. So not just band aid for symptoms, you know, right, right. Yeah.
Sam Teele
Cool. Well, we’ll have to exchange ideas over coffee scrubs and Tumeric based skin remedies. I secretly have a passion for such things as well. So I really thank you so much for your time today. Lory, and I look forward to seeing you at the next life sciences dreamin’ if not sooner?
Lory Tibbetts
Yeah, I look forward to that too. And thank you, Sam for having me. Here
Sam Teele
was our pleasure. Thank you so much, everybody go ahead and add Lori on LinkedIn. I’m sure she’ll accept and she’s, she’s a great person to be connected with. Thank you so much for your time. Lory.
Lory Tibbetts
Yeah. Thank you, Sam. You have a great day.



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