Salesforce Trailblazers We Love: Shea Perez

Salesforce Trailblazers We Love: Shea Perez

The Salesforce Ohana is truly something special, isn’t it? Join us as we introduce you to some of our favorite trailblazers. Today we introduce thoughtful, friendly, and learning-driven Shea Perez, who shares how she got her start in the Salesforce ecosystem, her favorite Salesforce resources, the best-kept Salesforce secret, her Salesforce prediction, and more!

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Sam Teele, Shea Perez

Sam Teele
Hello, everybody and welcome back to another Trailblazers we love and really excited today to have che Perez with us. How are you doing today, Shea?

Shea Perez
Hi, Sam, I am doing well. Thank you for having me. It’s an honor to be here.

Sam Teele
Now the honor is all ours. Shay and I met at Life Sciences Dreamin’, which is a conference that we held in August, the first ever Life Sciences focused dreaming event. So that was really great. And I know that you recently started as a Salesforce admin at a partner company, how’s that been going? So far?

Shea Perez
It’s going really well. It is a little bit of a transition from health care to wealth management. But aside from that, you know, everybody’s Great. Culture is good. I have no complaints.

Sam Teele
Yeah. Well, I’m sure you’re gonna do a great job there. And they’re lucky to have you. And that’s actually a really good segue into talking about transitions. I’ve done a couple of these share with various people. And, you know, interesting to hear their stories, how they got into the Salesforce ecosystem. I talked to Lory, I know, you know, her, you know, she also went from healthcare, and I talked to Jokonda, who came from the military spouses side of things. So how was it that you got your start in the in the Salesforce ecosystem?

Shea Perez
Sure, I’m, so I’m not sure how often you get this answer. But I discovered Salesforce in a in a totally random way. One of my friends had posted a day in the life of a Salesforce admin video on her YouTube channel. And then that was the first time I heard of it. Around that time, I was still working as a nurse. That was in February of this year, actually. And but I knew I wanted to change. I knew I wanted to change. I just didn’t know how. So out of curiosity, I reached out to this friend and asked her about it. And she recommended, like the five day challenge from talent stacker, and then the Salesforce Revolent podcast, which is also from Talent Stacker. You know, and after listening, actually, to the healthcare episode, which you mentioned, Lory, um, she was in that episode. That’s what got me hooked. But like, oh, okay, well, there’s a lot of people from healthcare transitioning. So you know, maybe I’ll give it a try. And I’m joining talent stacker in February of this year, and I got my certification and made April. And, you know, I started my role in November of this year, and it’s been quite the journey. I’ve been to a lot of events like you said, I met you guys through life sciences dreamin’, a couple of world tours. So it’s been really fun.

Sam Teele
Yeah, that’s awesome. Somehow everything always leads back to Lory in some way or another. Really cool to hear and you know, congratulations again on you know, entering the space within in February completing it in May and then finding finding a career that’s really awesome. It does seem like a lot of people transitioned out of healthcare, the pandemic. I’m sure that could have been a difficult time. But so I’m interested to learn you know, what are what is your favorite Salesforce resource like when you were trying to you know, gain some knowledge I know that you want the talent stack or but outside of that, like, was there any particularly helpful resources that you trying to?

Shea Perez
Yeah, so outside of trailhead in talent stacker I did use just for training and instructional like, material I did use get force certified by Dave Massey. When I started he only had associates admin and flows. I think he has more courses now. But I really liked his course because he breaks everything down into like, bite sized, like more digestible, like piece of information like five minute videos. And to me I learn I learned when I see it and then I hear it, you know, instead of just reading everything flat on like the screen, and you can pause it I followed along it just really helped me cement all those, you know, concepts or topics that I was learning and outside of the instructional part. I do also recommend Salesforce Ben It’s my go to especially now that I’ve initiated whole learning everything I just go back to Salesforce Ben because there The articles are so easy to understand. So even if you’re new, I remember there was a topic like, I just couldn’t understand like inbound outbound change sets, you know, and they just went to Salesforce. But instead, I was like, Oh, this makes more sense.

Sam Teele
Yeah, we’ve had a couple of people, a couple of people reference Salesforce Ben is a really great resource. So it’s clear that they’re doing a really good job over there. I was curious about what you thought was, you know, an underrated Salesforce product or a best kept secret. I mean, everybody knows about Sales Cloud, or, you know, some of the more well known clouds. But are there any underrated Salesforce products or best kept secrets they that you want to share?

Shea Perez
I would say underrated. And also my favorite would be just the Salesforce utility bar. I know global actions are you know, yeah, it’s cool. We can do it anywhere, but it’s limited. You know, in the name itself, it’s just actions. Same for actions and an object, that’s pretty limited. But uh, when we chili bar, you can put a flow in there, you know, you can pull data, you can look up a customer or clients record, you can have your recent items, list view, you know, whatever tasks you want to see, you can also have a rich text and hyperlinks training information. You know, if you want to see a visual force page, you can do that. And my favorite part is my company says this, we have like an open CTI system, we use Zoom as our telephony system. So I can just dial from there, I don’t even have to, you know, get rid of my headset, pull the phone up, I just, you know, stay on Salesforce. And I’ve talked to the utility fitting, hmm. And you can customize it, you know, depending on the app, if sales people use different stuff than service people, and then you can, you know, move things around. So it’s a

Sam Teele
Does it call from your phone, or does it like give you a number, like, an auto generated number on there? And

Shea Perez
he, I think gives a we have like our own number.

Sam Teele
Okay. So it just routes through your phone, basically. But you’re calling to the utility bar. That’s cool. That is cool. This, this next question is probably the hardest question there. But you know, I am curious, if you have any predictions for Salesforce in 2024, some people might be watching this in January. So let’s say, for the rest of 2024, or if you don’t have a prediction, what’s something that you would like to see from Salesforce, so you can go either direction, you want to take it, feel free to

Shea Perez
I guess, with you know, with all the AI advances we’ve seen this year, like it started from Einstein, GPT in March of this year, and then we had I’m saying co pilot and then no prompt builder or prompts studio, I can only you know, assume that Salesforce will keep you know, their AI momentum going continuing to adapt to whatever technology is released out there. But at the same time, I’m really excited actually about, you know, their life sciences cloud that they’re leasing. So that’s something I really want to see. Separating me. Yeah,

Sam Teele
yeah, we’re also really curious what that’s gonna entail, you know, how actualize those things are going to be in the early parts of 2024? How much are you using their current AI offerings? Would you say?

Shea Perez
Um, I, very low, Einstein are not using copilot or anything like that.

Sam Teele
So I’m trying to do my due diligence and use some AI tools. But I definitely agree with you that next year, we’re going to see, you know, more user adoption and capabilities are going to be pretty interesting. I’ll let you get out of here. But we have one last question that we’d like to ask our trailblazers and that is, you know, non Salesforce related. Give us a recommendation for a book or a podcast that cooking show anything that you’re really into right now. That’s not Salesforce related.

Shea Perez
Sure. Um, so lately, I’ve been really, and I think it’s just because I work now in a wealth management firm, but I’ve been really into investing and building wealth. So I started reading this book that was like highly recommended. It’s called The Simple Path to walk by JL Collins. This book generally just teaches you like the basics of investing. He talks about the different types of retirement accounts funds different ways you can allocate your assets, depending on your lifestyle and you know, however you want to live later in life. So if you are interested in you know, learning how to invest, it’s a highly recommended book. It’s really easy to follow.

Sam Teele
Awesome. Well, thank you so much for joining us today. Che it’s been a real pleasure for us and I’m sure that the people watching as well. Hope to hear from you soon.

Shea Perez
Thank you for having me.



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