Optimize Pardot (MCAE) for Life Sciences: Improve Salesforce for Life Sciences CAS-Cast

Optimize Pardot (MCAE) for Life Sciences: Improve Salesforce for Life Sciences CAS-Cast

Life Sciences professionals have very distinct needs from a Marketing Automation system. Understanding GDPR, UTM, attribution, lead scoring, conversion, and more can be perplexing to think about strategically and then apply tactically. Marketing Cloud Account Engagement (MCAE), fka Pardot, is the native, scalable Salesforce B2B marketing automation system. MCAE/Pardot has unique advantages for the Life Sciences marketing or sales professional, and finding the best tool to use as one version of the truth is critical. Enabling rapid and accurate messaging with valuable reporting and feedback that is globally visible and actionable is at the forefront of the conversation within health and life sciences marketing automation approaches.

Join Kevin Hospodar from Steady State Media to understand the approach and the application for life sciences organizations who currently are leveraging or plan to implement and use MCAE/Pardot in their marketing campaigns. Whether your messaging is to pharma, CROs, CSOs, labs, or even to recruit, engage, and retain patients, you’ll gain valuable knowledge about ways your peers are currently using MCAE/Pardot. This interactive webinar covers a variety of topics covering common use cases and questions from the field, such as:

  • OVERVIEW: What is the MCAE/Pardot marketing platform? How does it integrate with Salesforce? How can you optimize your dynamic, integrated system for marketers and sellers?
  • THEORY: Definition and best practices for common MCAE/Pardot benefits
  • segmentation of prospects and contacts to identify receptive, high impact targets
  • message prospects and contacts, and â—¦ score in a closed loop
  • APPLICATION: Live examples of how best to apply theory to practice in segmentation, messaging, and scoring Attendees will learn how to think outside of your current established process to develop a less manual process that eliminates human error and optimizes the use of Salesforce and MCAE/Pardot. Marketing activities will happen more quickly, and sellers will have faster, deeper insights into prioritized sales activities. Who you talk to, what messaging you share, and the impact on conversion quality and time will be improved with a rigorous and robust approach to Salesforce and MCAE/Pardot for Life Sciences organizations. Join us to learn how to level up your actions and activities with a dynamic, healthy CRM and MA theory and application.

…and while you’re here: if you’re having Salesforce user adoption challenges, we have a brand new guide that takes you step by step through the principles of teaching adults technology, and drives you to develop a plan for implementation. It’s got room for you to make your own plan – check it out: https://cloudadoption.solutions/teach…

Contact us with your Salesforce challenges at info@cloudadoption.solutions – we love to help!

Cloud Adoption Solutions is a 100% woman-owned registered Salesforce partner, specializing in implementation, integration, and optimization for Technology, Healthcare/ Life Sciences, and Financial Services/ Professional Services organizations in the small and mid-commercial sectors.




Shannon Gregg 00:00

Hello, everybody, and thanks for joining our webinar series, improve Salesforce for Life Sciences organizations. I’m so excited today to be joined by Kevin Hospodar from Steady State Media, who’s going to talk to you about how to optimize Pardot for your Life Sciences organization; he’s got loads of really cool things to share, such as common use cases for Pardot, some academic theories, some in the field applications, and you’re going to have a really good time with the information that Kevin has to share for you today, we’ve got a series that will be running the same day, the same time, one Thursday a month. And our next one will be a panel event that’s going to be really exciting, where we have an esteemed panel of folks with loads of experience in life sciences, we’re going to be talking about 2023 trends that we see coming in life sciences, and the implications that has for your Salesforce organization. So you won’t want to miss that one. We’ve got a few more planned for the beginning of 2023. And then starting in the spring, we’ve got some really exciting live events for you. We’re going to be doing Lunch and Learn panel conversations in Philadelphia, Boston, and RTP. And following that, we’re planning a two-day Life Sciences Dreamin’ live event that you will not want to miss. Anybody who’s attended today’s webinar or any other webinar will receive the recording of the webinar, as long as or as, as often as we can send it out to you, you will see more information about the life sciences dreaming opportunities that we have coming up for you. So you’ll get a call for speakers, you’ll see a call for sponsors. And then you’ll start to see agenda and registration information. Anyone who attends our webinars, will receive a discount code to attend our live events, they are sure to be packed with information and amazing networking with other professionals in life sciences. Thank you so much for joining us today. If you have questions as the webinar is running, please put them in the q&a box. And Kevin will try to address them. If it makes sense in the moment or after the webinar is over. We are so excited to share this information with you today. And Kevin, take it away.


Kevin Hospodar 02:27

Thanks Shannon. Really excited about this. And I will get things kicked off here on our first of the webinar series talking about Pardot slash MCE. So here. So my name’s Kevin, as Shannon mentioned, I’m a marketer at heart. I’ve been working in Pardot since 2011. But in Salesforce since about 2004. I’ve always been in the marketing side for b2b, marketing automation, a little bit of the channel sales, so a little unique there, but also worked quite a bit in life sciences, tech, some higher education and a mix there. So while I am not a strictly lifer in the life sciences realm, I think I’d bring some pretty unique perspectives and kind of concede those things that maybe are a little bit outside of the the bubble of Life Sciences. I like bad metaphors. So excuse me, if I go through any of these a lot of have to building houses, sometimes about fishing, so we’ll try to keep those to a minimum. But just to kind of get things going here of just the agenda for today. One, we want to talk about Pardot versus MCA, which are there’s a lot of names that get thrown around. And we’re just even commenting of how sometimes documentation other places they kind of get to be distributed. So MCA is marketing, cloud automation. Pardot is the marketing automation platform, that this part of Salesforce, we’re gonna kind of do a level set on part out as a product kind of talk a little bit about history can tell you what it does, what it doesn’t do, and then do some comparisons on other places. There’s three main points that I want to talk about that we can kind of walk through in the idea of theory versus application. And when I say theory, it might just be the way that you’re using it right now of using a tool similar to Pardot. Or maybe you’re just kind of doing some cheats, or some some manual processes that could be dealt with by automation. So it kind of theory and like, what you’re really trying to do, and then the application of like, Hey, this is what Pardot will look like or this is what part I can do. Or here’s something you might even think about that may be afforded to you and your processes manual. If it becomes automated, you don’t have to worry about it. This can be an interactive presentation, I’m not going to be doing a demo and I’m not going to be jumping through reading slides and reading bullet points are kind of the way that I work and a lot of it too is conversation so happy at any point. This someone raised their hand and puts in a question who has the information at some point to jump into like a live demo instance and kind of go through those different pieces and answer very specific questions, but I’m gonna try to talk in generalities and try to just least get everyone at like kind of base understanding of par dot slash MCA. And this might be the last time I actually use the MCA to. So level set on Pardot. It’s Pardot, not Pardoe. That’s one thing that it’s no one, no one will correct you. But there’s a lot of times that you see people reaching out a little differently. Pardot is actually I think it’s a Latin term that meant to sell or to market. So whenever it was developed in 2007, by a group out of Atlanta, that was kind of where they came from. So it was a strange word to kind of get kicked off. In that space, I started using part out in about 2011. And so as a standalone product, it had integrations into a bunch of different CRMs and ERPs. And just kind of it was just kind of plugging and playing into different places. 2011, things weren’t that robust yet, either. So it was not, it didn’t have that consolidation of a lot of these different point solutions into larger platforms. It was great for emailing, it was great to kind of almost work as a database and have a place for marketers to work and to be able to look at lists and be able to send out emails. So that was really the foundation, the core of the product when it started 2012 exact target purchased it. And then not there that much further after while it’s it’s shown as a year and the dates, I think it was only about seven or eight months, that Salesforce had acquired exact target. So there wasn’t a big change. And I think that’s one thing to think about when you look at part out as a whole that as it made those jumps from a standalone organization is standalone piece of software to where it came to Salesforce, they didn’t have a lot of time to put an exact target skin on it or to change things around and to move things and maybe develop it. So a lot of the stuff that you see in Pardot today is legacy all the way back to like that, oh 70809 as well, like before the exact target acquisition. So sometimes that’s a knock that people have against it that it doesn’t have its flash human interface. If they’re coming from a HubSpot or a MailChimp or some other those products that have really nice UI UX is a lot of functionality behind it but is simple interface. One thing to the to kind of level set is that Pardot looks at records across the board and calls them prospects. In Salesforce that’s Leads and Contacts. In Salesforce, the unique unique identifier is usually an alphanumeric code in Pardot, it’s the email address. And so while there’s a lot of different OEM instances of Salesforce where you can change those categorizations, from partner to lead contact, whatever you kind of call it, if it’s patient, if it’s whatever they are, just knowing that part outside, it’s always thought of as a prospect. And as a marketing person, I think that helps clear, clear things up no matter what industry you’re working on, you’re thinking of as a record inside of Pardot as a prospect, and records inside of Salesforce as leads, contacts, partners, all those pieces. So I tried to keep that language of Pardot record Salesforce records. So whenever we talk about going back and forth, but there are differences in the naming their main takeaway part of his email, Salesforce is a unique identifier to each record. So in Salesforce, you could have two email addresses, and have them be two records, in part that does not allow for that duplication, it only allows for one email. So what is part up, and I think the easiest way to do this is just to kind of look at their menuing structure. And I don’t think that we need to jump into a screenshare to like, kind of look and go deep to understand this. But they really bucket things into four places, marketing, prospects, reports and admin. And so as you look at that, and I kind of just broke out each one of those, those main headers to kind of see what’s in there. The marketing side of things is really, it’s kind of what you really work on, you have to think about Pardot is an automation platform. And you think about marking automation, as being able to set up if then statements. So as you put people into a process or automations things happen in the background without you having to worry about them. That’s really the core of parta is that things can happen. Actions can take place, someone can interact with your content, your website, all those different places, and something happens on the back end. It’s not a manual process. So you’ve jumped down through the main core tool, but I’ve always seen it pop out as as an email, or is it it’s a mass email or for sending list emails, or it’s also now an email or for integrations into Salesforce for sending out emails. And the great thing there is it’s sent from a platform that’s tracked so everything that’s in there, it’s cookie based tracking, there is it’s it’s a pretty robust tracking system. What sounds pretty simple. On the prospect side, while has the email capability, there’s also a Database Builder. There’s ways for leads to be created. There’s ways for you to import leads, but you have a full list of all of your records inside of Pardot. And they sit there reporting, pretty easy reporting that kind of based off of reporting off of like activities of like if you send an email or activities of who’s visiting your website, it’s all those kind of marketing reports that are built there.


Kevin Hospodar 09:55

The nice thing is it also we will talk about this later on is that it’s pulling in from issue from Salesforce, the Salesforce information is making over and apart into two places there. The admin side like that’s not as fun and as interesting, but it is notable to say that like, it is a separate platform in the admin sense in the user configuration. So if you have Sales Users marketing users admin management, you can set up priorities and you can kind of set up who can access information and set up visibility that way. So it does have its own access and admin functionality separate from Salesforce, so you can set those all up and all your visibility is inside Salesforce, you can set them up differently inside of Pardot, to allow for unique profiles to have unique views and data exposure there. So just a quick again, level setting to kind of understand what Pardot is.There’s a lot of people that use Salesforce without Pardot. And it’s probably safe to say that if you’re watching this, you’re one of those people that don’t have part out yet.


Kevin Hospodar 10:50

You may be using different systems like that are on the right hand side and my fancy graphic that talks about a brick wall, it literally is a brick wall to get through. You think about Constant Contact MailChimp, anything that’s out on the AppExchange, Active Campaign, anything HubSpot, things you’d find on TrustRadius, go to Jeetu crowd, I’m looking for marketing, automation platforms. Or if you’re even doing one too many kind of in the channel side of things, if you’re using a PRM. If you’re using a partner management, platform, all of those things, there is a wall now because Pardot and Salesforce are native together. So you’re is some way that you’ve got across that wall, that wall is a Excel sheet. If that was Zapier integration, if that wall is a manual process, no matter what there is the inherent native connectivity of power on Salesforce, put up that wall to make all the other applications all the other pieces of software not equal.


Kevin Hospodar 11:53

The biggest thing and I kind of mentioned there of this is the dreaded folder. And if you are depending on who you are, if you are in management, if you’re a marketing specialist, if you’re a marketing director, any level that you sent the organization, you need to know about this folder, there’s a folder, it’s I have them on my desktop, I have them in my, my, my trash bin, but this folder is where someone says we want to communicate to this, these these people, we want to send a newsletter to these people, we want to send something to these people, we want to communicate with these people, or we want to go and put these people into a group and do something, it’s back to this, this wall, that’s, that’s your key, or that’s your little ladder to get over the wall is an Excel sheet. And that folder sits on your desktop, and it sits somewhere that is a moment in time, CSV, Excel, export, that someone took a lot of time to build, something took a lot of time to maintain to check and to configure all the fields. But the biggest thing I think this is really important to think for the life sciences industry is the the risk of that those excels. Your whole entire database can sit in multiples, on an Excel sheet, or inside of a folder that someone loses their laptop, someone leaves your organization, someone on the sales side. So on the support side, as a marketer and working not only as a consultant, but also working with different companies or being internal. You always have salespeople when they join and like oh, I’ve got a list. I’ve got I know some people from here i Someone I used to talk to what this is, is this is your data that they’re taking with them. And so allowing for the your ladder to get over that wall into Salesforce and those other apps is a huge risk. And so it seemed a little funny to think about this folder. But this folder has such large implications across your organization just to be aware that it exists. And as much as you think that you have your processes nailed down. If you’re not using the native app, you’re having to use a list at some point.


Kevin Hospodar 13:53

So talking about within Salesforce with Pardot. It’s one database in a bi directional sync, and I say one database, and there’s kind of there’s one. And I like this graphic because it talks about these kind of pulled out drawers and folders. So maybe Salesforce in your Sales Cloud pieces, or one drawer part out is another jar, you can have information that separate to each other. But with just the click of a button and just have an easy field map, that data is exposed across those those pieces. So all of its in the database, it’s just a matter of what you’re going to watch, you’re going to see the whole idea of that Excel sheet of importing, exporting, doing all of that process that’s going to cheer up. It’s going to employee like time and hours and the risk is all gone. All that stuff stays on the cloud. And it’s done through automations where you’re putting people into lists or you’re doing actions against certain records. It is no longer offline onto a laptop onto a computer into Excel sheet onto even into teams or wherever you’re putting those in different places. The cool thing too is the market all of a sudden has their own platform.


Kevin Hospodar 14:56

There’s a lot of marketers that jump into like I said that they’re coming from a HubSpot from a MailChimp from a Marketo from a PRM system from all those different places. And they’re used to having kind of their own separate platform that they work in whether or not they’re sending emails, if they’re setting up automations, if they’re doing tracking on the website, if they’re running Google ads, if they’re doing all those things, they’re off of Salesforce. And they’re doing those in separate places. Hard up brings it together, but also kind of gives you your own separate room, I talk about a bad metaphor, if it’s a house, that part out is the living room. And Salesforce is the dining room like that they’re there, they’re the connecting, you can walk back and forth, if they’re under the same roof, giving marketing their own space to be able to do those things to have the reporting that they need to be able to see records and interact with records in the ways that they need to not so much in the progression from converting contacts and doing a lot of the sales activity, but seeing them from marketing activity, that separate platform is something that the marketers really value.


Kevin Hospodar 15:36

So jumping into some theory here about segmentation, I use the phrase segmentation, it means a lot of things to a lot of different people. But whenever I start to think of segmentation, it’s how do you take your large database? And how do you find it talk to the people you want to talk to. So it’s how many people in our database have done this? How many people in our database live in this area? How many people have opened up an email opened up a link interacted with a PDF on our website filled out a form filled on a certain form like any of those questions where you start to say, what population of our database has done this, or what population of our database do we want to talk to about this.That’s also where those excels come into, you have that that slice and dice, you got that person that knows how to do the pivot tables, and the V lookups. And can recite all of those Excel formulas, whenever you start to give them a database and say, Okay, here’s all the people that open up an email, or here’s whatever those things are, there’s someone that you usually have to go to, if you don’t have to go to someone, you’re probably that person. But there’s a lot of offline computations that have to go to as you start to segment and build your database. The problem with that is, there’s room for error. And it’s also just a static shot in time. If you do something on a Monday to send an email on a Thursday, you’re not taking account of any activity that happens in those days in between. So segmentation is just that it’s segmenting your database.


Kevin Hospodar 17:17

I mentioned about Pardot and Salesforce being separate. But being the same quick little screenshot here, on the left is part on the right of Salesforce, you can see that they connect back and forth, it’s one click to go from record to record. So that segmentation and that ability to be able to see people in product to be able to see them in Salesforce add them to list is to jump back and forth, just as easy it is to click that link, all of the data goes back and forth. So if it’s a score, if it’s they open up an email, if your sales team wants to say, hey, who opened up an email last week, that information is readily available to them, and you don’t have to build that segment, they have that at their fingertips. The really powerful part of segmentation is that any piece of data that sits inside of a record inside of Salesforce can be in Pardot. And you can run an automation. And the idea of an automation is this is it’s the power behind segment. And the way that you would do this, an automated would be say, Hey, Kevin, we’re going to send an email to everyone in the state of Pennsylvania. So then you gotta go in, you got to pull that you got to query you’ve got to make a report, you’ve got to do all these things. Versus on the Salesforce side of the automation side, you can go into any piece of information, and write if then logic to it. If This Then That if they meet this criteria, put them to the list, if they don’t meet this criteria, remove them from the list and do all those things. The segmentation is all done as automations. And it’s all done online, in the cloud. And it’s not done on your computer. And it’s not done in an Excel sheet.


Kevin Hospodar 19:31

static versus dynamic is one thing that’s pretty important, like I mentioned, to have that if you’re looking for these, these lists and the segments to be just slices in time, which becomes problematic, because you miss people. But if you say that, hey, we need to do this for the end of the quarter, we need to know exactly like that at midnight that night. So you can make it a static stop. Or these can be dynamic as people kind of go through your process in different levels of engagement. Or if you need to interact with them in a different way, whatever that that those queries would be that they can be dynamic where people are flowing in and out of lists and in that of segments. So static versus dynamic, and it’s just any data that exists inside of Salesforce is now able to be queried against to make a dynamic. Moving over to messaging. So, as a marketer, in any industry you are that you’re in. The important thing about messaging is flexibility, scalability, and availability slash accessibility. So the flexibility meaning that you can create messages and have them say all kinds of different things, scalability as you can send them out in mind.


Kevin Hospodar 19:43

If you want to send a message to one person on one to one, where do you want to send it to one to 100,000, the idea that you can still scale that same message. Availability, the accessibility is also an issue to have when you think about those disjointed platforms, I talked about that brick wall in between your sales team might not have visibility into HubSpot, or your your field representatives might not be able to see the data that’s in constant contact, the accessibility of data and the accessibility of activities and what they’re doing. That’s also very important in messaging. And you need to be flexible of that you can change those messages and use templates and use starting points where you’re not recreating each time similar to what we’re talking about with segmentation, that you’re not starting from scratch and having to do a new query each time. So the design plus the message equals the communication. And usually, when you’re creating, for example, a newsletter or email outreach, or you have to any type of communication, that’s kind of the endpoint design, you write. And you put it together and you make a communication that you put it out.


Kevin Hospodar 21:02

The problem is, that’s only the start of it. And you think about what you’re trying to communicate, is that that’s the communication is not the endpoint, it wasn’t, hey, we got that email out. Great. We’re done. Now. The, the email is just the catalyst to really get into what you need now in the messaging, the importance of the messaging. And I put this in here as these kind of like three pieces of like, is it files? Is it links to your websites? Is it emails? What are all those things? And what are you gonna do with the information that comes in? So taking, if you’re sending out a file, if you have a PDF, if you have a link to your website that has some important new update, if you have an email that is putting information about form where you need to people to put in information, all of that, it’s great, because you’re taking that from the message to now that you’ve got an action or something you’re trying to get them to do. But then on the back end, how are you going to circle back around? are you how are you going to segment off that? How are you going to set the next progressive piece for them to go? Or how you can even gauge that interest level? If someone looks at Progressive scoring? Or if they look at the MQL process of like, how do you get someone that they’re qualified at of marketing that they’re handed over to, to sales or BD, that process is lost, if you think that the communication is the endpoint, the endpoint is being able to measure the interaction that your people have, and then circle it back through to make business decisions based off of that database and the messages that you sent them.


Kevin Hospodar 22:20

That comes back around to reporting. And the idea of reporting is the kind of the what if of what if reporting wasn’t just the linear endpoint, you sent an email. This is your opening, the open rate, sending email, this was your click through rate. And great, you’ve got your marketing reports. I mean, that’s a pretty typical one you see off of an email send, or you run a campaign, and you do some direct mail and you do some digital, you do some things on the website, someone fills out a form, they attend a webinar, great, that’s an endpoint, and then your your, your campaign or your your program is seen as complete. But what if that reporting was then closed loop back up, and that became your segmentation for the next progressive reporting. And these circles kind of build off of each other almost like the Olympic rings, they keep on just kind of going down the line. And there isn’t a start process there. Because once you start the first time, and you say that your database, and we’re going to do something, that you’re making branches and trees, you’re doing automation, inside of Salesforce based off that activity, you’re tracking over to Pardot. And you’re putting it through the whole way. So the idea that reporting is never really the endpoint, that reporting is the segmentation that allows you to communicate, that gets you your reporting, that allows you to segment that allows you to communicate, and it’s always just progressively building on top of it. The idea that if you’re just looking at reporting as being the end goal to say, the measurement of success, that’s the that’s that static piece of you can’t really put the wall at the end, you want to be able to look at how is the reporting influencing the segmentation that’s influencing the communication that’s influencing the reporting that it’s just all the way loop back up.


Kevin Hospodar 24:08

So we’ll take a breath there that we’ve covered the segmentation, the messaging reporting to put all these pieces together. That’s really the theory and the kind of application that across the board, when you look at par dot that allows you to pick and choose how you’re going to do that. Do you want to do it through links you want to do through emails you want to do through hosted, hosted pieces on your website, is it through forms, it’s that collection process, and it’s done natively inside of Salesforce. So I’ll throw it back of it. Any process and any piece of software that you’re now using to do any of the things that I’ve just been mentioning. There is that brick wall and that same brick wall graphic that there’s a point where you’re introducing risk, and you’re introducing human error and you’re spending a lot of time to do those things, when they can be natively done inside of one system.


Kevin Hospodar 25:02

Talking about to that reporting. You can see this is a screenshot of inside of sales inside of Pardot. This is a prospect. And this is what it looks like. The great thing is I was talking about this as a separate platform for marketers to come in, you’re able to look at activities, and I was talking about that reporting side. So you look on the right side there, that any activity that’s done against the prospect, there’s a, there’s a list of it, there’s a tracking, there’s a score, and that progressively builds, the purple influences the green, which then up to the red, you can always click that button and go back over to Salesforce and see it there. So the idea that you’re progressively building a interaction with a person and an individual. And you have all that at one point. So if you look on the right hand side, there’s all these emails that were sent to my account. And some of them are test emails, and some of them are visits, the websites, I’ve done custom redirects, all those things, each one of those would have been an individual report, each one of those would have been a data point for okay, that first email that second email, the website, those would all have been scattered across multiple reports, that would have never allowed the visibility of a single prospect to see that you would have been looking into different different applications, different point solutions to hopefully get some type of visibility onto a record. Right now you can see it per person, and you put that little clique inside of the red, the red circle up there, you would jump right over into the Salesforce record, all this information would still be be visible sales, BD management, everyone would be able to look on the granular level to see, hey, look at Kevin, what was he doing? Why is his score 1900, all of his information in the kind of the pieces that lead to it would all be visible.


Kevin Hospodar 26:34

So I know I kind of blew through some things at a very high level. There’s a lot of unique use cases inside of Life Sciences, there’s a lot of unique, very specific ways that you’d want to use information. I’ve tried to kind of set this up as a high level to think of that any information you have in Salesforce, you can have in Pardot, any information that’s in power that can be in Salesforce, they’re synced together. And they’re single place. So as I mentioned the beginning and happy to do 100 demos of 100 different ideas and kind of walk through those things. But at a very high level, just trying to understand breaking down that brick wall and making linear processes of how marketing, sales and reporting kind of come back together. So I’ll take a break here, too, and look and see if there was any, any questions that came through over here on the chat. And if there’s things that we can, I won’t be able to address kind of like specifics of like individual use cases. But we’d be happy to do that on a demo instance, here in the future.


Kevin Hospodar 25:02

So my information is up on the screen here. Feel free to reach out via email, also to LinkedIn, any social media platforms, but happy to talk through high level of mapping these processes out are very granular looking at single automations to kind of fix maybe a broken business practice or someplace that you feel that there’s maybe a waste of time, or there’s exposed risks in your organization’s or in your processes, with taking things offline. So appreciate everyone joining today. Hope there was some some great information there. And one last thing that I’ll leave you with is that as you’re making decisions on pieces of software or solutions that you’re using, you have to look at that that native, that native integration, no matter what you do, what piece of software you choose, there’s always going to be that brick wall part. And it’s growing inside of Salesforce, as you can see with the MCA E and the marketing cloud and side of things that it’s always going to be there. And it’s always going to be an integral part of Salesforce. So there’s a lot of hesitation people think of like, oh, well, we’ll just kind of stick with what we have now. And kind of every month, every year that you’re doing it, you’re losing out on the reporting and the data that you could have had, and it’s not going to be going away there. There’s like kind of no no better, a better time to start the now because you’re just missing on data every day that you kind of push it off. So great. Shannon, I see you’re back on here.


Shannon Gregg 28:45

Kevin, we do have a question. That is a sort of general question about using Pardot for account based management. So so many people in life sciences are looking to penetrate whitespace in different areas. So let’s say that they’ve got a lot of really good contacts in CNS, but they’re looking to find more contacts in oncology just part on help to find whitespace inside of accounts that you’re already penetrating that exist.


Kevin Hospodar 29:19

Yes. So I think that it’s, it has the tools to do that. I think it’s also still down to the process of the organization of that. That structure of accounts leads contacts that you’re leveraging inside of Salesforce through your OEM instance, that all carries over and all that maps through so you’re able to see in group and report based off of any of that hierarchy. And so to kind of talk about that of that you could run reports that if you said here’s our top 10 performing accounts Here’s our top 10 underperforming accounts. And we’re going to group those together and kind of make comparison reports, or we’re going to be doing like a, just any piece of data that you wanted to do of how many records are underneath there, how many? How many times have they interacted with our content, let’s build a progressive score of those 10 organizations we have, we know that there’s 10 contacts inside of each one of them. Let’s take all 100 of those people and kind of like build out like a median, like just interactivity level, let’s take our underperforming ones and see what’s missing there and kind of do a comparison analysis, okay, great. The ones that are performing really great, they’re opening our emails, they’re clicking our links, they’re doing these things, the ones that aren’t, they don’t do those things. And maybe they’re not in the segments, or we haven’t categorized them correctly. So I think that while part of has tools to help you do that, and if we could come up with an idea of like, Great, let’s really target those 10 accounts, let’s send it send an email, let’s do a progressive nurture campaign, how can we put information in front of them, it’s only going to do what you’re able to measure. So if you’re, if you’re not measuring those things, and if you’re don’t have any records there, it’s not going to fix that for you and the automation and all the great fancy tools, they can’t fix a bad process, what they can do is they can allow you to identify maybe some lagging, and the ones that are excelling, find those indicators and find out what they’re doing that is that are touch points, that things that are interacting with. And then you can say, Great, how do we get those in front of the other underperforming accounts?


Kevin Hospodar 31:25

Hopefully that answered the question. I know it’s a little bit vague without an exact example there. I mean life sciences to so life sciences, I think that’s one of the things of that there’s such a progressive profiling of like, as you put a record into Salesforce, there’s such a difference of how you communicate with people, if they’re on the site side, a patient side, if there may be if you’re selling direct at any point, or if there may be a if it’s a partner, if it’s a supplier, like there’s so many different types of profiles. And as you build out that robustness inside of Salesforce, all of that is leveraged downstream into part of that if you say, Okay, if it’s a record type, where if you save the account type, or whatever, little piece of granular information you’re using right now in Salesforce, to build that Excel sheet, and to populate that that horror folder that you’ve got all those sheets, that is all automatically can be carried over with a simple mapping. So great, take this field map if this field, and then you run your automations and say, you have all of those than separate like, would have been a report of like, hey, let’s run a report to see how many people are site managers.


Kevin Hospodar 32:34

You run the report, you take a look, you got to export, you’re doing all those things, while that could just always be running, and all you have to do is click on that list inside of Power BI and say, great, we’ve got 2000 site managers, or how many site managers are in a certain region, because that’s the rep the the field manager is going to talk them all that is progressively building all the time, and it just sits there behind the scenes working. And whenever it comes down to make a quick business decision, or you need that information at your fingertips, you just click the link and you open it up and it’s there, you’re not having to wait to like, go to your Salesforce admin to ask to run a report or to do these queries. And then like, well, there’s 3000 people, we think there should be 6000, what’s missing? Where’s the data broken? And you’re going backwards to fix them? As you build those pieces inside of Pardot? You’ve ensured that the the architectures correct.


Shannon Gregg 33:07

I think you started to answer the second question that we have, which is, since Life Sciences is such a deep ecosystem, right, you’ve got side side, the patient side CRO sponsors? Is there a particular side of life sciences that you think benefits most from Pardot? Are one that you don’t think that would benefit from Pardot? Or is this an application that can work pretty well across the entire life sciences ecosystem? I think it’s that whole idea of segmentation. I think that that’s knowing that you’re doing your profiles and your personas, I think that that’s as your I think that inside of every organization, you know that inherently that you know, if it’s a patient side, if it’s the site side, if it’s a manufacturer, supplier, you know, the intricacies of those and you have people in your organization that know those, so it’s just a matter of mapping those out and using the right tool for the right job. So I think that there’s the idea of that.


Kevin Hospodar 34:16

Email is a great way to communicate. But there’s also the idea to have that if you’re sending one off emails that you’re giving your your team or whoever send us emails that they’re if they’re gonna send out PDFs or they’re gonna send out forms that need to be filled out, or they’re sending out links to things using custom redirects, where then you’re tracking when people open those things they’re tracking whenever the links are clicked using that like okay, is that an indicator that someone is looking to show some interest and I need to follow up with them? Or is the if they fact they click that is that them showing maybe that they’re not interested because I sent a link that would kind of be a disqualifier versus somebody that’s raising their hand so it’s, it’s configuring those things to meet that persona and to find out like reverse engineering which you think is success each one. It is so deep


Kevin Hospodar 34:46

There are so many different ways that you kind of can slice and dice it, it’s a matter of just saying, Great, we’re gonna deal with this persona. Now I’m gonna do this one and deal with this one. And you can cut and paste and just make a little tweak, if it’s like I said, I was talking about sites, if you say that it’s these 10 states, and then we want to do the next one is these 10 states, it’s cut and paste into some quick little edit versus,


Kevin Hospodar 35:07

in maybe other systems, it’s a whole, lift everything up, take it over here, and then recreate that net recreation processes is usually error ridden, because it can be a menial process. And it can be something that’s an intense Labor’s process, that’s not exciting as it is the first time to do it the fifth time or the sixth time. So cloning and copy and paste and having those things ready to go. We’ve got another question that came in for new users out of the box. How easy is it to access those benefits that you’ve spoken about today? Like automation reporting? The reports sound amazing for initial setup, is that something a new user can put together? Or is it something an admin can set up but a standard user can maintain? So the great thing is that there’s there’s almost layers to this, that the fact that it’s one of all just the the idea of like a new user, I mean, I’ve been able to train people to deploy emails, build a list, deploy an email, it takes maybe an hour to train, I don’t want to don’t quote me on that. But it’s, it’s a very short, easy time to use this. Like, it’s the basic principles of like, okay, I need to find who I want to talk to, what do I want to say, I want to test to make sure it looks good. And then if they send out this information, what do I want to do with the results of it. And it’s that basic and baseline of an understanding to say, a great, that’s how we build that we do with these automations, we do with this this segment, it’s kind of easy to put together. From day one, the really cool thing about Pardot is that a talked about like cookie based tracking. So what you need to do is in Pardot, is that it’s not inherently going to know that this computer belongs to Kevin. So everything that he does, we’re going to be tracking that back and forth, you put a piece of code on your website, you in those links I was talking about are those files that you host or in the communications, there’s a piece of cookie based tracking the same way that like pixel tracking that Amazon Google everyone uses. So it’s not like it’s some kind of nefarious thing that’s going to break websites. But that cookie based tracking from day one, as soon as you sign your contract from part your install is up and running, you take that code, you put it onto your website, from the exact moment that that goes live, you’re tracking everyone who’s on your website, you’re tracking them, when you send your first email, blast your whole database 50,000 People you sign up for Part, it starts on Monday on Wednesday, send a newsletter, and send it to everyone that you have. And just start to tie in the digital record the digital footprint with your prospect person inside of Pardot, which then goes back up to Salesforce. So then you’re tracking everything right away, like that’s the first thing that we do. Whenever we go into a completely new part of install, it’s like, get the tracking code on your website, and let’s find a way to send an email as soon as possible. Once you make those ties, and it just all kind of works in the backend. Let me make sure I’m gonna read that question because I know that I get distracted on this thing. So yeah, the automations on those like, it’s very basic to be able to do that. And especially on the automation side, it doesn’t require anyone to do any interaction with your website. On the automation side, if you have those records inside of Salesforce, if you just have people first name, last name, company, and business, address, state, whatever, like the minimal fields that you have, or creating a record inside of Salesforce, you can run automation and start to segment on those, those people. It’s, it’s very basic from just you need to have an email address. And that’s really about it.


Shannon Gregg 38:35

That’s awesome. Thank you so much, Kevin. You know, one of the things that is pervasive amongst people in the life sciences industry is we all love data. And Pardot gives us so much ability to work with data. And I think what you’ve done today was give us a really good example of how this can apply immediately to this industry. And so I want to thank you on behalf of cloud adoption solutions. If you’d like to reach out to Kevin, His email address is K hospitalar. At steady state media.com. You can see that there. We have another exciting webinar coming up for you on December 15. We’ve got a powerful panel of people who have loads of different experience in the life sciences industry. They will be answering a few questions about what 2023 is going to be bringing for our industry and how that will impact salesforce.com So you can understand the plans you should be making based on the things that we are seeing happening in the life sciences industry. We’re going to be thinking like futurists and giving you a little glimpse into that. Thanks for joining us today. We’re so excited that you spent some time with us. The recording will be available and we’ll send it out to everybody who attended and we will also send you more information about our exciting lunch and learn and live life sciences dreamin series that will be coming in 2023 Have a great day everybody Thanks Kevin





salesforce, people, segmentation, email, automation, reporting, life sciences, pieces, record, excel sheet, part, database, information, build, process, kevin, organization, segment, marketing, life sciences industry




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