Auditing Salesforce listviews: Join Natalie from Cloud Adoption Solutions, as she tells you about the why and how you should audit your org’s Salesforce list views!
Salesforce Lightning
Salesforce News: November 2021 is constantly changing and there is so much news - how can you keep up with it all? Well, the third Tuesday of each month, Cloud Adoption Solutions brings you Salesforce Scoop, info from Salesforce user adoption research, how-to videos on YouTube, and...
Inline Edits Salesforce Winter 22: CAS Come and See Video
Inline editing on Salesforce reports: Join Natalie from Cloud Adoption Solutions, as she tells you about the why and how you can take advantage of the Winter 22 release feature: inline editing on reports!
Salesforce News: October 2021 is constantly changing and there is so much news - how can you keep up with it all? Well, the third Tuesday of each month, Cloud Adoption Solutions brings you Salesforce Scoop, info from Salesforce user adoption research, how-to videos on YouTube, and...
Auditing Salesforce Listviews: CAS Come and See Video
Auditing Salesforce listviews: Join Natalie from Cloud Adoption Solutions, as she tells you about the why and how you should audit your org’s Salesforce list views!
Using Salesforce to Send Multiple Reminders for Give Big Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh Magazines “Give Big Pittsburgh” event is almost here! If you are unfamiliar with this fantastic day of giving, it is a 24-hour online fundraising effort hosted by Pittsburgh Magazine and other local sponsors that offers local non-profits a chance to raise funds for their most important causes through a single online donation platform. Your non profit or NPO can use Salesforce and list view emails to remind your donors that the big day is coming!
Don’t miss this event!
The ONLY Conference for Sales, Marketing, RevOps, and Commercial Executives in the Life Sciences Industry.