The Secrets to Salesforce User Adoption is an amazing platform – so now that you’ve made the investment, how do you get your users primed and ready to get the most out of it? In the “Secrets to Salesforce User Adoption” CAS-cast webcast, we explored the science behind our proprietary ADOPT method, which you can start to use immediately to grow your Salesforce adoption!

Here’s the recording of the CAS-cast.  The adoption guidebook and presentation slides are below the video, so you can follow along and take your own notes to propel your team to new user adoption heights!

This webinar serves as a companion to the “Sales Technology User Adoption” guidebook – download your copy prior to watching the webinar.

Here are the slides for the CAS-cast webcast; feel free to use the action slides to list your own ideas to promote Salesforce user adoption at your organization!

0:00-1:15  Introduction; opening your mind to the possibilities of Salesforce by education and immersion

1:15-4:59  The intersection of theory and practice for Salesforce adoption via Change Management Theory, Diffusion of Innovations Theory, and Adult Learner Theory; how to take this information and immediately apply it to your user base, regardless of technology platform, to increase revenue and productivity

5:00-14:55 A – Articulate: a description of the step and evidence-based ideas on how to put it into practice for your Salesforce org

14:56-24:54 D – Demonstrate: a description of the step and evidence-based ideas on how to put it into practice for your Salesforce org – including andragogy or adult learning

24:55-34:10 O – Orient:  a description of the step and evidence-based ideas on how to put it into practice for your Salesforce org

34:11-38:48 P- Progress: a description of the step and evidence-based ideas on how to put it into practice for your Salesforce org – including change management

38:49-41:59 T – Test: a description of the step and evidence-based ideas on how to put it into practice for your Salesforce org

42:00 Q&A and Wrap

Need help with Salesforce user adoption, customization, or optimization?  We’re here to help – contact us today:


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